Brand Identity &
Logo Usage Guidelines

We believe that VirnetX provides the most secure and adaptable communications platform and our branding/logo usage should reflect those ideals. The following guidelines are provided in the spirit of partnership and driving positive brand equity.


Shared brand equity through the partnership of other brands provides an ideal environment for participating parties to incur/increase sales, influence and brand dominance. We feel that it is important to prominently feature all partnership brands equitably and appropriately to build, grow and sustain brand value.

Print and Media Usage

When referencing our logos and products in articles, webinars, podcasts, interviews and commercials, please follow the following guidelines.
  • When specifically referencing the usage, benefits and applications of Gabriel Secure Communications, Gabriel Secure Communications and/or the Gabriel Collaboration Suite must be verbally called out.
  • After initially referencing Gabriel Secure Communications or Gabriel Collaboration Suite, Gabriel can be used by itself.
  • When referring to Secure Domain Names, Gabriel must be used in front, Gabriel Secure Domain Names.
Secure Domain Name(s) and Gabriel Connection Technology are proprietary to VirnetX. When referencing Secure Domain Name(s), Secure Domain Name Technology or Secure Domain Name Registry, Gabriel must be included at the beginning of these phrases:
  • Gabriel Secure Domain Name(s)
  • Gabriel Secure Domain Name Technology
  • Gabriel Secure Domain Name Registry
Scripts developed for video and audio usage referencing Gabriel should be submitted to VirnetX for approval.


Please reach out to us with questions or obtain approval to use our logos.